China Internet Security Law and WTO!?
There is a new Law effective in China being 1 March 2006. A brief outline is here The full legislation is here 互联网安全保护技术措施规定 . There are some interesting observations from an IT security perspective: 1. This regulation is under the regime of China Police Force. 2. Article 7.1.2 requires ISPs to have disaster recovery ability for vital database and system equipments. 3. Most of the regulation requires ISP or who operate internet services (loosely defined at Article 18) to record and store users login time, IP address, user account information and system logs. 4. ISP has to maintain records if they find any illegal materials being distributed to the public. (“What means by illegal in the China ?” is a mystery). 5. China Police could punish entity if they fail to perform Article 7 to 14. But there is no indication of what kinds of punishment should be. First, as a security professional, I appreciate China go...