
Showing posts from November, 2006

US Release guidance data discovery in civil litigation.

There are many discussions/articles on the web about the US Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) Rule 26, 33, or 34. Below is a good summary. The rule set a 90 days period for lawyers of both parties to agree what needs to be prepared for the court. After this 90-days period, any data discovery request will likely be rejected by US court. New E-discovery Rules

Cybersecurity Workshop at Singapore

I attended a Cybersecurity on 31 Oct and 1 Nov and the presentations are available online now. ds/presentations.html . The presentation from Koji on Monitoring Cyber Attacks showed many 3D visualization of attack patterns.

A New Blog

I have been quiet in the Blogsphere since I was busy with ISO SC27 activities and also PISA. PISA has a new blog created for discussion of local IT security matters. Take a look at http://pisa-security.blogspot .com/