Softside of security

Yesterday, PISA invited security experts to have a discussion forum and share the challenges in management IT security. 3 keynotes speakers are coming from banking, telecom and public organization respectively.

Below are the key points of the 2 hours discussions:

Both banking and telecom are highly regulated industries. IT security planning and management are driven by regulators. And both security managers in these industries believe more regulation will come!! Be prepared. But WHY the regulator wants more regulations? (An interesting question although knowing the answer will not stop them)

IT security managers sometimes need to educate business manager about risk and sometimes need to control them. It is a delicate relationship. In other word, IT security manager need to control our customer. The following were shared:

  1. One organization has a security steering committee and it is a collective decision on whether to implement a control. Security manager’s role is to advice and advocate about risk. The decision to venture a risky operation or system does not rest on IT security manager or business manager.
  2. The key point in IT risk management is to deliver the message to the Top Management. In cost conscious economy like now, management attentions are the key. If IT security manager direct report to CEO, meaning by passing CIO, things will be very different.
  3. IT Auditor sometimes is friends to IT security manager as they helps delivery message to the board level and balance the risk control culture.


Anonymous said…
It is good to get more ideas what CISOs do.

"Aligning with business objective" is readily a challenge. If you believe there is a hole and professionally express your opinion, however, there is a budget and resource problem.

At that moment, you will be just waiting at there. For myself, I will think: That's company is not mine, I have done my best to express my viewpoint. If there is any incidence, their management has accepted it already.

As a CISO, he/she should be very patien....whatever waiting for incidence or acceptance of his/her idea to improve.

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