US data retention law (to be)

U.S. Attorney General said Internet service providers should retain subscriber information and network data for two years.

Previously, I blogged about China's legislation on keeping user Internet-activity by ISP. Now US is going the same direction. When I was skeptical about Chinese government uses of IP address log, US government is doing it in the name of child pornography .
I am more concern about the possible uses of these IP address. In HK and Japan, cases has been brought by music companies to request ISPs to disclose IP address logs and their correspondents. These information was used for copyright infringements.

Once the detail user activity is kept. The uses of it will be unlimited and it is scary. There is nothing wrong for music company to sue for infringements. But if music company could use these logs, what will stop someone to bring civil cases against you and request ISP to disclose your internet activity. Recently, the Hong Kong Examination Authority used web server logs to investigate reported cheating cases.(PDF)

When log are kept for good reason, the use of it must also be good reason.


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