Another War in the technology standard

IEEE was and is affecting everyone by defining how bit and bytes transmit. Without a standard, no two machines could talk to each other.

In the past, US company were pioneer of technology standard and they were the only voice in standard setting committees. Now China wants to play the game and proposed WAPI standard. However, “In March, delegates representing standard bodies from 25 countries voted in favor of the IEEE's version over WAPI.China appealed the ISO decision and demanded an apology from the IEEE which it accused of "dirty tricks" in lobbying for its standard, Xinhua said.”

I am glad to see China government is actively protecting national manufacturers (although most of them are still state-owned) by going to international forum like IEEE. If IEEE does not adopt China-backed WAPI, I believe China will not step down. There will be two standards for wireless transmission. Just like Japan has their PHS mobile phone system.


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