
A counter-action of last blog :
The password for unlocking hijacked-files by Ransomware are widely available online now.

One nature of encryption is that there is a one-to-one match of general used encryption softwares/tools. When a hacker distribute his ransomware to the victim, there is one key for encrypting files. There is also one key to unlock these files.

Each release of ransomware will share the same unlocking key and this is the weakness of ransomware. When the password is publicly available, the ransomware is useless.

However, there maybe multiple releases with different keys. In such case, the hacker will need to keep track of which key corresponding which release. The logistics maybe overwhleming.

One direction of development is there is a pattern of generating keys (like using a master key and the username, ip address or computer service patch number). Then the variant of keys of each releases will be multiplied.


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