Top-level domain name and anthropology

I read two news articles today. One on SCMP which reported that Intel hired anthropologist to study user behavior and shape their strategy. One on BBC Technology, which said ICANN plan to open up top-level domain names. The result would be that everyone could register their website name with ending ranging from .bank to .worm.

They seemed unrelated but I wonder how people respond to an explosive growth top-level domain names. Top level domain names, like .com or .hk are limited and users accumulated a sense of trust after years usages. Will user trust more over ? or will user buy items from or ?

What is missing in the current Internet infrastructure, after 10 years of development, is trust? How ICANN's proposal to open up top-level domain is helping to built trust in cyberspace ? The current status of DNS is far from satisfactory and phishing attacks are launched daily exploiting this weakness. Opening up top-level domain name for private registrations will create a new zone of chaos.


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