Root Certificate update and software design

Recently, a member of PISA (also called Anthony) noticed that when using HK Post office website, FireFox displayed security warning saying the digital certificate used bu HK Post is invalid. A detailed study by other PISA members showed that the reason HK Post (once is the root CA for HK) used their own root certificate. Root certificates are usually shipped with the browser installation and HK Post digital certificate was not included in their default software package. Hong Kong Post setup a page to teach users on how to add the root certificate to most used browsers . However, how many users know this link, willing to follow or could follow the instructions !! It is quite clear that currently most browsers develop and distributed by US company or US-based community. The interest of adding other root certificates is likely lower than adding new functions. Having said that, FireFox developers have a process to add Root Certificates to their software package, for example this link shows the process for adding root certificate. In their pending lsit, China PRC "China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)", Hongkong Post and Taiwan Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) are listed. Entry for HongKong post was added on 2008-10-08. However, it is interesting to see that Mozilla used their bug tracking system in their handling for Root Certificate Request from CA around the world. Look at the email trails from e-Mice ( Hong Kong PKI operator) The first request was submitted by HK Post Staff back in 2007 Dec and 20 months passed, it was not yet included in the latest FireFox update !! Obviously, FireFox needs to handle request from many different parties but it was a long time. Maybe, we could look at the how Adobe do it. Within their design, "Adobe products that support the AATL will automatically download this file every 90 days.(1) Before the contents are deposited into the client's Trusted Identity list, the AATL is verified to ensure it came from Adobe. " The approval process may still take a lot of administration time, roots certificate updates will be 90 days. It is a lot better than waiting for a bug-fix or software release!! My comment is all comes down to good design and bad design!


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